Welcome to my styled page!
Step 1:
- a doc tag tell the browser if its a document
- a hyper link links you tou another page
- a word processer will make your html codes all mixed up
Step 2
- the selector is like the body tag
- the "color" and "backgroud" are the propertys for the colors
step 3
- the helvectia will appear in the words the words that are large
- include 4 fonts so that just in case the computer does not have the font
step 4
- the padding propertyu is the "absolute"
- the word "em" times the fonts by its size
- the words in the navbar
step 5
- once the link is clicked it will change color to tell that it has been clicked
- it make the text do stuff like fash .etc
- links and vistited
step 6
- the other type of lines are double and grove
step 7
made feburay 8 2011
by andrew A. segala.